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News archive April 2005
April 27 2005 - MMP posts game release schedule News admitted by : Skye
I read that MMP has announced new release dates on Consimworld (in the MMP folder). I'll get right to the beef:
Game - expected release date
ASL starter kit 2 (ASLSK2) - June 2005 30th on Origins Game Expo Bloody Ridge - June 2005 30th on Origins Fire in the sky - June 2005 30th on Origins Target Arnhem Freebee - June 2005 30th on Origins ASL rulebook reprint (ASLRB) - "Maybe" June 2005 30th on Origins
Beyond Valor reprint - "Maybe" 1st week of August 2005 on World Boardgaming Championships
Atlantic Storm Card game - "Maybe" somewhere in 2005 Valor of the Guards - "Maybe" end of the year after Armies of Oblivion ASL Journal 7 - "Big maybe" end of 2005
So there you have it. Remember that with MMP a "Maybe" usually means a delay of 6 months or so.
April 26 2005 - Another nice ASL website found News admitted by : Skye
If you want a look at solo play ASL (SASL) and some other nice articles then visit the website of Peter Young, he has got some nice articles for the starting ASL player and a couple of handy .PDF documents on his fine ASL weblog "ASL First Fire".
April 26 2005 - ASL gameday in Zoetermeer News admitted by : Skye
Not really news but a quick blurp to say thanks to Peter and Liz who volunteerd their house for a day of ASL for our small band of Dutch ASL players. I got a chance to play "A72 Italian Brothers" with Jamie (who royally kicked my butt) and "No Quarter" with Peter after Maarten failed his morale check and surrendered his game and I took over the game to win it after all.
A72 "Italian Brothers" turn 1 where Jamie is molesting my Italian tankettes with machine guns...
April 14 2005 - VASL version 5.0 available in beta News admitted by : Skye
Rodney Kinney's fantastic and free electronic version of asl (VASL) has just reached its next level : version 5! This is great news as VASL is the product that single handed has revived the entire ASL game from a slow but certain death. It allows people to play the game online , with other players around the globe and whats more: it looks almost better than the real thing!
Check out the new version at the VASL site, but beware that it is still software in beta and it is not 100% compatible "out of the box" with games saved in version 4.0
April 14 2005 - Sale at "Fanatic Enerprises" News admitted by : Skye
Fanatic Enerprises, one of the semi-commercial 3rd party ASL publishers announced a sale. Personally I'm not too impressed with the look of their scenario packs, mainly because there is very little artwork on the scenario cards and (I admit it) like to play scenario's that look nice on paper. I like the AFV reference cards they sell though, these were first issued in ASL Deluxe and are very handy when you're memory just isn't good enough to remember the dozens of special rules about the vehicles in big armored standoffs.
"Fanatic Enterprises is please to announce a sale.
April 14 2005 - ASL Starter Kit 2 to be released in June News admitted by : Skye
Brian Youse from MMP stated that ASLSK2 ("Guns!") is still on schedule and to be released in June 2005.
"It is our intention that ASLSK2 be released at Origins in June. Right now we're still on schedule for that to happen."
April 9 2005 - Status update on "Armies of Oblivion" News admitted by : Skye
Read a comment from MMP today on the yet to be released core module for ASL "Armies of Oblivion";
It's supposed to be done (yes... again...) except for "proofing the countersheets" 'cause some pieces of artwork are still missing. it was hinted though that the other components (scenarios, rules, boards) were indeed finished.
April 6 2005 - Operations #47 released by MMP News admitted by : Skye
MMP released a new copy of the house magazine "Operations". The magazine covers the full range of games MMP has on sale. They have stated that there will be no ASL content in this magazine though, but there will be content for the ASL StarterKit (ASLSK) in every copy , including a new scenario in each one.
The previous issue featured scenario "S7 Prelude to Festung Brest". No word yet on the scenario S8 featuring in Operations #47 as I haven't got my own magazine yet.
MMP started shipping on monday April 4th to subscribers and is planning to put it up for sale mid next week (about April 13th). Cost is 6$ or 8$ depending on where you live , including P&P.
April 2 2005 - Last chance for module "Pegasus Bridge" News admitted by : Skye
Now, I promise not to start going on about this again, but if you want a copy of the very cool "Pegasus Bridge" module then be quick... It's up for sale for the last time at MMP and after that you'll never be able to get one again. Get those converted-French-tanks-to-multibarreled-mortar-launchers and other German "Funnies" , they are really a blast. And come on... 15$?!?! Go to the pub next week instead of this week and get your order in while you still can. The "Tarawa" module is already sold out and will never be reprint again.
April 1 2005 - Got a package from MMP today :-) News admitted by : Skye
Isn't life great when you get to work and a parcel from MMP is waiting on your desk? Mine contained "Operation Veritable" (bought for 15$ in closeout sale - a bargain) and Journal 6. I already got some hands on experience with "operation Veritable" on my first tournament and liked it very much, though I must say that my opinion was a bit colored by the fact that it was one of the few scenarios I won that tourny..
Then Journal 6, it took a while to get to me because of surface shipping but the wait was well worth it. Its a fantastic product. Not only do you get practicly an entire historical module "Primosole bridge" including rules for chaper 'Z' , a beautifull large map, three scenarios and three campaigns but the Journal itself as wel , with decent articles about firelanes/residual, a replay , and 9 more scenarios from other theaters of war. Kuddos on MMP for delivering a high quality product for a good price.